Coaching women who want more Energy 2 Give

Learn More with Kristin


Are you:

Feeling emotionally and
physically depleted.

Having available time but
no energy.

Avoiding fun activities because you are too tired.

Exhausted by caring for people you care about.

If so, you may be overspending from your Personal Energy Account

Image of yellow and pink circles representing energy

What is a Personal Energy Account?

It is similar to a financial account. In financial bank accounts, we manage our money. In Personal Energy Accounts (PEAs), we manage our ENERGY! As women, we tend to dismiss our own needs and overspend from our energy accounts! My coaching stems from the belief that we need to care for ourselves in order to have the energy needed to lovingly care for our patients/ clients and loved ones.

For the past 25 years, I have been a women’s psychologist and working mom. I know firsthand how difficult it is to prioritize yourself when caring for others. I am passionate about coaching women in caregiving roles to manage their energy, regain work/life balance and enjoy their lives.

Healthcare Professionals hire me to help them manage their energy levels so they can provide quality care, stop burn out, and find joy again in helping others.

Working Moms hire me to learn how to stretch limited amounts of energy over a daily double shift (16 hours between work and home) in order to juggle multiple responsibilities and stay sane!


As we get older, our passions and interests can change. It takes time and self-exploration to discover who we are NOW.

Women Over 50 hire me to find new interests and pursue passions to create a more energetic and fulfilling life!

“Kristin has helped me to integrate and actualize the idea that energy is currency. This has in turn reminded me to focus on making decisions that are fueling and life-giving rather than those that are depleting. By doing so, I have been able to prioritize my own business in a major way. Every time I am presented with a choice, I come back to this question and it guides me in the right direction.”